BASE 1.5 KG SHOP-TYPE COFFEE ROASTER: Where Tradition Meets Technology

In the world of coffee roasting, finding the perfect balance between tradition and technology is an art. Kuban’s 1.5 Kg Shop-Type Coffee Roaster is a testament to this artistry, seamlessly blending the time-honored craft of coffee roasting with the efficiency of modern technology.

Efficiency Redefined with Four Robust Engines

At the heart of Kuban’s 1.5 Kg Roaster lies a powerful innovation – four robust engines working in harmony to redefine the efficiency of your coffee roasting process. This dynamic feature allows for simultaneous roasting and cooling, optimizing both time and energy. The result is not just a boost in productivity but a transformation of the entire roasting experience.

Kuban’s 1.5 Kg Shop-Type Coffee Roaster
Kuban’s 1.5 Kg Shop-Type Coffee Roaster

Elevating the Sensory Experience

Roasting coffee is not just a process; it’s an experience that engages the senses. Kuban’s 1.5 Kg Roaster enhances this sensory journey. The simultaneous roasting and cooling feature not only accelerates the production but also adds a layer of finesse to the roasting process. The aroma, color, and flavor profiles are meticulously crafted, providing a symphony of sensory delights for coffee enthusiasts.

Precision, Convenience, and Performance Unleashed

For those who demand excellence in small-batch roasting, the Kuban 1.5 Kg Roaster stands as the ideal choice. It brings together precision, convenience, and performance in a compact and efficient design. The roaster is a manifestation of Kuban’s commitment to delivering a product that meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Crafting Excellence in Every Batch

The 1.5 Kg capacity makes this shop-type coffee roaster perfect for artisans and coffee enthusiasts who take pride in crafting small batches of exceptional coffee. The machine is equipped with a range of features, from adjustable drum RPM to the option of a single or double wall drum. This level of customization allows for consistency in roasting profiles, ensuring that each batch is a masterpiece in itself.

Tailored to Your Preferences

Kuban understands that every roaster may have unique preferences. Therefore, the 1.5 Kg Roaster is not just a machine; it’s a canvas waiting for your personal touch. Choose from various heating sources – LPG, Natural Gas, LNG – and customize the color, finishing, brand name, and even language preferences. The roaster is a reflection of your individuality in the world of coffee craftsmanship.

Kuban’s 1.5 Kg Shop-Type Coffee Roaster

Where Tradition Meets Technology

In the BASE 1.5 KG SHOP-TYPE COFFEE ROASTER by Kuban, tradition and technology converge to create a masterpiece. It’s more than a machine; it’s a bridge between the rich heritage of coffee roasting and the demands of the contemporary world. As you empower your roasting endeavors with this innovative roaster, you embark on a journey where the essence of tradition meets the efficiency of technology, resulting in a cup of coffee that tells a story of craftsmanship and dedication.

Kuban Base 1.5kg Coffee RoasterView product page