Kuban Roast Manager

Manage your coffee roasting process with smart technology.

Research, Development & Innovation (RDI)

We improve our products and make innovations with current edge technologies.

Every investor’s business model and project needs may be different. We aim to fulfill the customer’s needs by adopting advanced technologies and R&D practices on the production line.

Manage your coffee roasting process with smart technology.

Kuban Roast Manager

These apps help coffee roasters stay organized, informed, and supported throughout the roasting process.

Kuban Roast Manager provides coffee roasters with an easy-to-use interface for controlling and monitoring all roasting parameters, including flame level, rpm adjustment, and more.

Roasting App

The app also allows you to save and compare roast profiles, making it easy to replicate successful roasts and make adjustments for future batches. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive data tracking, the Roasting App is an essential tool for coffee roasters looking to achieve consistent, high-quality roasts. 

Support: If you have any problems or questions, our technical team can connect to your machine remotely via this application and provide the necessary support.